
Wellness Injections

Weight Loss Clinic located in Lighthouse Point, FL

Wellness Injections
Wellness Injections services offered in Lighthouse Point, FL

Are you constantly feeling tired, getting sick, or having difficulty losing weight? At Healthy Weight Loss 4 U in Lighthouse Point, Florida, experienced weight loss providers offer wellness injections personalized to your health needs. Schedule an evaluation by phone or request an appointment online today to determine which injections are right for you.

read about Wellness Injections

What are wellness injections? 

Wellness injections at Healthy Weight Loss 4 U are shots that enhance your overall health and well-being. They can also boost weight loss, helping you reach your goal weight and feel revitalized in the process. Your weight loss provider often combines wellness injections with other weight loss solutions to help you look and feel healthier.

What are the benefits of wellness injections?

The advantages associated with wellness injections at Healthy Weight Loss 4 U may include one or more of the following:

  • Easier weight loss
  • More energy
  • Stronger immune system
  • Faster metabolism
  • Fewer nutrient deficiencies
  • Enhanced nutrition
  • Increased fat-burning
  • Reduced risk of illnesses and diseases
  • Improved quality of life

The Healthy Weight Loss 4 U team tailors wellness injection treatment plans based on your unique nutritional and health needs.

Which wellness injections are available?

Wellness injections available at Healthy Weight Loss 4 U include:

B12 injections

Sulfa-free B12 injections enhance cellular and nerve functioning, boost energy, enhance detoxification, and reduce depression and insomnia. These injections aid in weight loss by metabolizing fats.

Immunity injections

Immunity injections contain zinc sulfate, tripeptides with a gamma peptide, ascorbic acid, and glutathione. They enhance the body’s immune response and cleanse and detoxify your liver. Immunity injections also aid in wound healing, decrease inflammation, and maximize healthy cell functioning.


Lipo-C wellness injections contain methionine inositol choline (MIC), L-carnitine, vitamin B12, and chromium. These injections boost circulation and blood flow, convert fats to energy, enhance fat-burning, and aid in weight loss. They also help reduce water weight, menstruation issues in women, migraines, and sugar cravings.

MIC + B12

MIC + vitamin B12 injections increase fat-burning, energy, metabolism, and weight loss. They consist of 50% MIC and 50% vitamin B12.  

Lipo mino mix

Lipo mino mix contains choline, inositol, methionine, L-carnitine, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12. This wellness injection burns fat and boosts energy, blood flow, and circulation. It helps convert proteins and fat into energy and aids in nervous system functioning. Lipo mino mix also improves skin, hair, nail, and cardiovascular health. It reduces migraines, menstrual issues in women, and water weight during weight loss.

Pure MIC

Pure MIC injections contain inositol, methionine, and choline. They help your liver metabolize and use fat, boost energy, and burn body fat.


Lipostat contains L-carnitine, chromium, MIC, and vitamins B6 and B12. This wellness injection converts protein and fat into energy, accelerating metabolism and fat burning. It’s available as sulfa-free.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D injections promote bone development. They reduce bone loss and ease muscle aches, bone pain, and symptoms of inflammation. Vitamin D shots help lower cholesterol, boost your immune system, reduce blood pressure, ease anxiety, optimize mood, and reduce the risk of obesity, cognitive decline, and heart disease.


Glutathione wellness shots consist of amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. These injections build and repair tissues. They enhance immune system functioning, liver detoxification, metabolic support, anti-aging, skin health, cell protection, and sleep. Glutathione injections also ease pain and help manage any chronic conditions.

Wellness injections at Healthy Weight Loss 4 U are typically weekly injections administered under the supervision of your health care provider. The practice also offers phentermine, tirzepatide, semaglutide, intravenous (IV) therapy, counseling, weight loss products, and customized nutritional programs.

Schedule a wellness injection evaluation at Healthy Weight Loss 4 U by phone or request one online today.