
Facial Rejuvenation Revolution

Weight Loss Clinic located in Lighthouse Point, FL

Facial Rejuvenation Peptide services offered in Lighthouse Point, FL

What is GHK-Cu?
The human copper-binding peptide GHK-Cu is a natural peptide used as a protective and regenerative compound. GHK-Cu improves wound healing, stimulates collagen growth, boosts the immune system, and promotes blood vessel growth. This compound has significant anti-aging effects as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

read about Facial Rejuvenation Peptide

How Supplied
• Topical Cream or Solution
• Oral Troche

Healing Wounds
GHK-Cu has shown promise in wound healing. It promotes the migration and proliferation of skin cells and stimulates the production of factors involved in tissue repair. Thus, it may enhance wound closure and reduce scarring.

Anti-inflammatory Properties
Some studies suggest that GHK-Cu may have anti-inflammatory effects by modulating inflammatory responses. This could potentially benefit conditions involving inflammation.

Promoting Growth of Blood Vessels 
GHK-Cu has been investigated for its potential to promote angiogenesis and the formation of new blood vessels. This can be important for tissue repair and wound healing.

Boosting the Immune System
GHK-Cu has been associated with potential immune-modulating properties, including stimulating the production of specific immune cells.

Antioxidant Benefits
GHK-Cu has been suggested to have antioxidant properties, which may help protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants can neutralize harmful free radicals in the body.

Stimulating Collagen Production
GHK-Cu has been shown to promote collagen synthesis, a crucial protein for skin health, elasticity, and wound healing. This may contribute to its use in anti-aging skincare products.

Aging and Supplementation
Indeed, GHK levels in the body decline with age, which has been associated with various signs of aging. Some suggest that supplementation with GHK-Cu could potentially counteract these effects and support healthy aging.